Friday, February 26, 2010


Didn't the question why do people cut themselves when they are depressed ever come to your mind? I always wonder why people cut themselves when they are depressed or hurt, well 2day I found out that they do that to feel better and to get rid of their depression -_-. Well in my opinion what they are doing is really bad and selfish. They are only thinking about themselves and not about their dear ones. If you are one of them didn't you ever think about how your parents will feel if something happened to you when you were acting stupid by cutting urself! When you cut urself to feel better don't you realize that you are hurting urself :-/. In my opinion cutting or hurting urself does not relieve you from your pain instead you are harming urself. So if you are depressed don't think about harming urself cause there are alot of other ways out there to get rid of depression and cutting urself is not one of them. I hope this helped :). Plz comment

1 comment:

  1. I think this would help everyone that hurtss themselves.
