Sunday, February 28, 2010

Desperate People!!!

Didn't it ever happen to you when a third person tried to come in your relationship because they said they loved the other person more than you? Didn't that frustrate you? I guess yes. But don't worry though cause that third person doesn't actually love them, they are just desperate and would do anything to get rid of that ugly feeling. In my opinion that is just plain rude and selfish to try to ruin someone else’s relationship just cause you like that person, people you have to stop doing that would you like if somebody tried to ruin your relationship :-/. NO right so stop trying to do it to other people. Also, if you are desperate and don’t like that don’t get mad or frustrated. Cause there’s a person out there made just for you and sooner or later fate will unite them with you. So just relax and wait for your other half :). I hope this helped :D. Plz comment

Friday, February 26, 2010


Didn't the question why do people cut themselves when they are depressed ever come to your mind? I always wonder why people cut themselves when they are depressed or hurt, well 2day I found out that they do that to feel better and to get rid of their depression -_-. Well in my opinion what they are doing is really bad and selfish. They are only thinking about themselves and not about their dear ones. If you are one of them didn't you ever think about how your parents will feel if something happened to you when you were acting stupid by cutting urself! When you cut urself to feel better don't you realize that you are hurting urself :-/. In my opinion cutting or hurting urself does not relieve you from your pain instead you are harming urself. So if you are depressed don't think about harming urself cause there are alot of other ways out there to get rid of depression and cutting urself is not one of them. I hope this helped :). Plz comment

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Once in our life every single one of us has fallen in love or has had a crush on someone :). Am i right? But the difference is that only some people get loved back and others get nothing because they are never able to express their feelings :-/. Hasnt the question "What is the real definition of love" ever come to your mind. Well everyone has their own meanings for love. Some think it is the feelings that you have for either a guy or girl and other think its just a feeling that has no meaning. According to me Love is a feeling that could make someones whole life and also destroy someone life. What is love? you will never find out until you expereience it for yourself. So if you like someone and are afraid to tell them. Dont be afraid and go express your feelings now! Plz comment and tell me if you liked it :)


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Parents Just Do Not Understand!

Don't all of us get mad when our parents never try 2 understand us? Its not fair how parents always try 2 enforce their decisions on us without asking us what we want. Like they always think they are right and when we try 2 make them understand, they think we are talking back :-/. However, dont we all know that our parents love us but they want the best 4 us but sometimes when they are trying 2 do that, it takes the opposite effect. Parents have to start to understand that if they pressure us to much we will eventually take bad ways and start to hid things from them. Nobody wants to do dat but they are forced 2. Howver, plz try 2 understand ur parents and know that they want the best 4 u even if their way is bad. Plz comment on this :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Blog

Well as all of you know this is my first blog :) so I really don’t know what to write about. However, since this blog was inspired by a friend that I never met or saw b4. I guess this post will be about friends :D. Friends are precious don't you think. But doesn’t it kinda frustrate you when people just choose people as their friends by the way they dress or if they are so called “Popular” :-/. Didn’t it ever happen to you when ppl that never ever talked to you and then suddenly they start talking 2 you. And when u get ur hopes up they are like “O can I get the hw or did u do that or can you plz do this 4 me” They r basically using you. As far as I think that is just wrong and mean. Ppl you have to stop doing dat would you like if somebody did that u NO right so stop doing it to other people. Plz comment and let me no about your comments or any situation that happened 2 you and is similar :D